Old Town North and The Arts -- a community meeting
Community Meeting on Old Town North Arts and Cultural Uses (Hybrid)
On Monday, November 7 from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. at 99 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 110, the City is hosting a community meeting to discuss the Old Town North Small Area Plan arts and cultural uses.
Community members choosing to join virtually may do so through the following:
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_feUZgnXjQ3mgvKA02NMF-Q
Meeting ID: 947 5297 9736
Passcode: 300936
Dial-in: 301.715.8592
A video recording of the meeting will be available on the Old Town North project website following the meeting.
For information on the Old Town North Small Area Plan and the Arts and Cultural District and their implementation, please visit the project website.
Questions? Contact Melissa Symmes, Urban Planner, 703.746.3851
For reasonable disability accommodation, contact alicia.chase@alexandriava.gov or 703.746.3831, Virginia Relay 711.